Jacob, Steve

Employment policy confronted with new patterns of governance centred on coordination and performance - Sage, sept. 2011

At both the global and local levels, employment policy currently constitutes one of the major issues confronted by governments faced with economic crises and globalization. The success of these policies depends, in particular, on their ability to link together initiatives undertaken not only at different levels of power, but also within a single level between multiple actors that (more or less) have prerogatives in matters of employment policy. This domain of public policy constitutes a unique space in which to analyse the developments and circulation of principles promoted by advocates of two new patterns of governance: New Public Management and the Open Method of Coordination. On the basis of a qualitative analysis conducted with employment policy actors in the Brussels-Capital Region (BCR), this article studies the difficulties these actors come up against when faced with the implementation expectations of new managerial demands, as well as coordination demands that force an increasingly flexible economic landscape and an increasingly complex institutional landscape onto these actors. Enumerating the difficulties encountered, the article also updates the strategies put into place by the actors themselves to address the often severe diagnoses that are made of the situations to which they are subject. This article also constitutes a contribution to the clarification of both the favourable and undesirable conditions for the establishment of new forms of governance within public policy

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