PAULA, Luiz Fernando de

Banking efficiency, governance and financial regulation in Brazil - São Paulo : Editora 34, dez. 2011

In this short paper I analyze briefly some issues that I consider important for the discussion related to the banking efficiency, governance and financial regulation, with special focus on Brazil. The subject is complex as involve different dimensions and I will explore here only some of them, some related to past researches other ones that should be explored in further research. First of all, the focus here is banking activity. I will not consider an important dimension related to financial regulation and financial efficiency in Brazil that is capital account liberalization and capital controls. My own contribution on this latter theme is consolidated in the book "Financial Liberalization and Economic Performance: Brazil at the Crossroads" (Paula, 2011), and I would like to explore here new ways and other subjects. The paper is divided in three sections. First section discusses the concept of financial efficiency. Second section analyzes the evolution of the Brazilian financial system since the 1960s and shows how 'dysfunctional' it has been. In third section we discuss some structural and recent issues related to the efficiency of banking sector in Brazil

Sistema Financeiro
Estabelecimento Bancário
Reforma Econômica
