Technological innovation in Brazilian and Mexican firms / Editors João Alberto de Negri, Bruno César Araújo, Sérvulo Vicente Moreira - Brasília : Ipea, 2009 - 364 p.

- 11. Introduction: - Bruno César Araújo, João Alberto de Negri, Sérvulo Vicente Moreira - 25. CHAPTER 1: Competitive behavior in Brazilian industry: retrospect and prospects - João Alberto de Negri, Wilson Suzigan, Alexandre Messa Silva - 53. CHAPTER 2: Industrial development in post-nafta Mexico: policy and performance - Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos Rivas, Jesús Santamaría - 81. CHAPTER 3: Characteristics and limitations of the national innovation systems in Brazil and Mexico - Juan Andrés Godinez Enciso - 127. CHAPTER 4: The innovation process of the multinational enterprise in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico - Fernanda De Negri, Alexandre Messa Silva - 149. CHAPTER 5: The innovative efforts of Brazilian and Mexican Manufacturing firms: a multivariate comparison - Sérgio Kannebley Júnior - 197. CHAPTER 6: Global sourcing or the national innovation system? which drives innovation in Brazilian manufacturing? - Luiz Dias Bahia - 225. CHAPTER 7: The innovative performance of the mexican manufacturing sector: an industry-level analyis - David Romo Murillo - 297. CHAPTER 8: Trade openness, export competitiveness and the microdeterminants of exports: the case of mexico - Martha Cordero, Jorge Máttar, Ramón Padilla - 327. CHAPTER 9: Multinational enterprises and technological innovation in mexican manufacturing - Celso Garrido Noguera, Ricardo Padilla Hermida, Rogério Dias de Araújo


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