Public Policy : public policy in perspective - Los Angeles : Sage, 2012 - 321 p.

VOLUME I: PUBLIC POLICY IN PERSPECTIVE PART 1: FOUNDATIONS 1: Concerning the way in which princes should keep faith - Niccolò Machiavelli 2: Rationality in administrative behavior - Herbert Simon 3: The Emerging Conception of the Policy Sciences - Harold Lasswell 4: Four Systems of Policy, Politics and Choice - Theodore Lowi 5: Institutional Perspectives on Political Institutions - James March, Johan Olsen 6: A Behavioural Approach to the Rational Choice Theory of Collective Action - Elinor Ostrom PART 2: MODELS OF THE POLICY PROCESS 7: The Study of Administration - Woodrow Wilson 8: The New Governance: Governing without Government - Rod Rhodes 9: The Dynamics of Multi-Organizational Partnerships: An Analysis of Changing Modes of Governance - Vivien Lowndes, Chris Skelcher 10: Analyzing Policy Processes as Multiple Governance: Accountability in Social Policy - Michael Hill, Peter Hupe 11: The Need for Better Theories - Paul Sabatier PART 3 : PUBLIC POLICY AND BEYOND 12: From Public Administration to Public Management: Reassessing a Revolution? - Andrew Gray, Bill Jenkins 13: Introduction to Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision-Making - Deborah Stone 14: Policy without Polity? Policy Analysis and the Institutional Void - Maarten Hajer 15: E-Government and NPM: A Perfect Marriage? - Vincent Homburg, Victor Bekkers 16: Is Hierarchical Governance in Decline? Evidence from Empirical Research - Carolyn Hill, Laurence E. Lynn Jr.


Políticas Públicas
Modelo de Gestão
Ciência Política