Koehler, Jerry W.

Transformational leadership in government - Delray Beach, FL : St. Lucie, 1997 - 174 p.

Chapter 1 - New directions in leadership Purpose of this book Traditional approaches to leadership in government Charting a new leadership path in government Defining leadership in government Government and industry: a similar leadership crisis Awakening the giant: foreign competition and changing customers' wants and needs The awakening of government leaders Transformational leadership defined Transformational leadership principles Organization of this book Chapter 2 - Empowering systems Government organizations as systems Empowering organizations Cornerstones and beliefs of empowering organizations Empowering systems beliefs Chapter 3 - Transformational leadership: vision and strategy Create a vision for the organizational Develop a mission statement Establish organization values Identify the desirable outcomes that result from government organization efficiency and effectiveness Develop a strategic plan Align organizations to achieve desirable outcomes Principles that serve as the foundation for management action Chapter 4 - Transformational leadership: characteristics Chapter 5 - The skills of transformational leaders Conceptual skills Communication skills Guidelines for a presentation or speech Writing skills Teaching skills Coaching Chapter 6 - Transformational leadership behavior Power and organizational behavior Empowerment and organizational behavior Perception and behavior Leading others to lead themselves Criteria for team awards Leadership criteria Chapter 7 - Transformational leadership: substitutes Chapter 8 - Transformational leadership: inspiring change Need for a change Vision Sharing the vision Strategy for planned change Interventions Overcoming resistance to change Accessing change Empowerment systems survey Institutionalizing change Inspiration

Administração Pública
Organização Pública
Mudanca Administrativa
Comportamento Organizacional
Sistemas Administrativos
Estratégia Administrativa