Bates, Jonathan G.

Managing value for money in the public sector / por Jonathan G. Bates. -- - London : Chapman & Hall, 1993. - 251 p. : il.

- Part one: putting management reform in context. - The rise of the public sector. - Why value for money is important. - Self-interest and shared objectives. - Part two: the tools of management reform. - What makes an organization function? - Accounting. - The structure of output-based management. - What do you get from output-based management? - Part three: the application of new management techniques. - High quality public services. - Case study I - housing benefit administration. - Case study II - a health service budget: general surgery department. - Case study III - education: a school budget - templeman primary school. - Managing for excellence. - Case study I - housing benefit administration. - Case study II - a health service budget: general surgery department. - Case study III - education: introducing total quality management - templeman primary school. - A new public sector environment.


Reforma Administrativa
Alta Administração Pública
Técnica Administrativa
Valor Público
Contabilidade Pública
Qualidade Total
Estudo de Casos
Serviços de Saúde