Cases in leadership - 3. ed - Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2013 - 512 p.

1. Leadership: what is it? Adcock ingram: decisions and motives that steer acquisitions Dickinson College: inspiration for a leadership story (in the vision of a founding father) Great leadership is good leadership 2. Leadership trait approach A new executive director The ciputra group: shaping the city in Asia The character of leadership 3. Leadership skills approach Coaching for exceptional performance workshop Performance coaching: darcy gallagher role Train dogs, develop leaders 4. Leader style approach Scarborough YMCA: getting back on track Consultancy development organization Navigating through leadership transitions: making it past the twists and turns 5. The situational approach to leadership Conflict management at TKC consulting A bomb in your pocket? Crisis leadership at nokia India (a) Just ask leadership: why great managers always ask the right questions 6. The Contingency Theory of Leadership New york bakery (a) Transkin income fund: leading entrepreneurial teams Why emotional intelligence is not essential for leadership 7. The path-goal theory of leadership General electric: from jack welch to jeffrey immelt Please stop working so hard Learning goals or performance goals: is it the journey or the destination? 8. The leader-member exchange theory of leadership Carnegie industrial: the leadership development centre Schulich School of Medicine: enhancing and developing a high-performance culture On leadership: leadership and loyalty 9. Transformational leadership Douglas fine foods Spar applied systems--Anna’s challenge Culture-driven leadership 10. Servant leadership Veja: sneakers with a conscience J.-Robert Ouimet and Tomasso Corporation Servant-leaders are the best leaders during times of change 11. Authentic leadership Goedehoop: when social issues become strategic Organization, founder and clientele transformation at VGKK Compelling visions: content, context, credibility and collaboration 12. Team leadership The lithium fire Chuck mackinnon X-teams: new ways of leading in a new world 13. Strategic leadership Strategic leadership at Coca-Cola: the real thing Maple leaf foods, inc.: the listeriosis crisis Strategic leadership: short-term stability and long-term viability 14. Women and leadership The bank of montreal--the task force on the advancement of women in the bank (a) Marimekko Canadian women entrepreneurs: pioneers of new frontiers 15. Culture and leadership Tata: leadership with trust Hebei dawu group: building the first family business constitution in china Doing business in India: caveat venditor 16. Ethical leadership Lee and Li, attorneys-at-law, and the embezzlement of nt$3 billion by Eddie Liu (a) A non-traditional female entrepreneur (c) Principled leadership: taking the hard right


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