HIRST, Monica

Understanding Brazil-United States relations : contemporary history, current complexities and prospects for the 21st century - Brasília : Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, 2013 - 281 p. - Coleção Política Externa Brasileira .

Part I. Past and presente: the 5 As of the US-Brazil relations 1.1. Alliance 1.2. Alignment 1.3. Autonomy 1.4. Adjustment 1.5. Affirmation Part II. Brazil-United States in the post/Cold War period 2.1. World order, renewed multilateralism and the emergence of a global agenda 2.2. The new inter-American context 2.3. The South Amerian unisequences 2.4. The Brazilian experience: foreign policy and democratization 2.5. The new challenges in US-Brazil economic relations 2.6. The new contents in US-Brazil political relations Part III. Brazil-United States relations in the post-post-Cold War context 3.1. The effects of macro-securitization and the imperial over-extension 3.2. The new framework of the international insertion of Brazil 3.3. The configuration of a pragmatic and affirmative bilateralism


Relações Internacionais
Política Externa
Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos