JARDIM, Maria Aparecida Chaves

“Domesticação” e/ou “moralização do capitalismo” no governo Lula : inclusão social via mercado e via fundos de pensão - Rio de Janeiro : IESP / UERJ, mar. 2009

The article suggests social inclusion via the market and especially via pension funds in the Lula Administration. It shows how the dialogue between government, trade unions, union confederations, and the financial market reveals a convergence of interests among the above-mentioned actors, expressed in various symbolic/discursive actions in the financial market. The argument is that social inclusion policy via the market translates the project of “domestication and/or moralization” of capitalism as defended and practiced by the Brazilian Workers’ Party (PT). The article uses empirical material collected from the Brazilian press, specialized journals, representative agencies from the private pension sector, and interviews with Brazilian trade union leaders and members of the Lula Administration.