OLIVEIRA, João Pacheco de

Mensurando alteridades, estabelecendo direitos : práticas e saberes governamentais na criação de fronteiras étnicas - Rio de Janeiro : IESP / UERJ, 2012

This article has two objectives, focusing on the statistics for Brazil's indigenous population. One objective is methodological, starting with a critical and ethnographic perspective to analyze the quantitative data as both cognitive and political tools related to the recognition of rights, which need to be framed within the colonization and state-building processes. The second, focusing on current and past discrepancies between data from indigenous affairs authorities and the national censuses, as currently represented by the National Indian Foundation (Funai) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), respectively, reflects on the heuristic potential of the latter, thereby allowing visualization of the extent and importance of the indigenous presence in the country's formation, counter to the administrative ethnicization and neglect in official history.