Property rights modifications in fisheries - Paris : OECD, 1992 - 97 p. - Public Management. Occasional Papers. Market - Type Mechanisms ; 3 .

The lessons from success: markets in fishing rights - François Lacasse The demand for this MTM The logic underlying ITQ and the systems effectively introduced Outcomes Lessons Limits, generalisations and conclusions Australian case study: commonwealth-managed fisheries - Bernard Scott Background The ITQ system Rights to fish: the canadian experience - R. W. Crowley Context Fisheries management in Canada Property rights and quasi-rights in canadian fisheries Details of rights-based fisheries experience General comments on canadian rights based systems Individual transferable quotas in the icelandic fisheries - Ragnar Arnason Acknowlegments The fishing industry The origins and evolution of the fisheries management system The current IQ fisheries management system Experience of the IQ system Distributive considerations The IQ system in retrospect

Política Pesqueira
Setor Secundário
Direito Comercial
Estudo de Caso
