VI Brics : Academic Forum / organizado por Renato Coelho Bauman das Neves e Tamara Gregol de Farias. -- - Brasília : IPEA, 2014. - 319 p.

Foreword Vi Brics fórum papers Introduction Technical session 1. Chapter 1. Na empirical analysis of correlation between state leaders’ visits and bilateral trade relations – Chen Huaqiao Technical session 2. Chapter 2. Recent dynamics of environmental mdgs indicators in Brazil: forests, climate and biodiversity – Júlio César Roma Chapter 3. public infrastructure investment: a BRICS perspective for inclusive sustainable development – Jaya Josie Technical session 3. Chapter 4. Economic dynamics of the coutries of the world in the years 1992-2010: inhomogeneity of growth – Leonid M. Grigoriev, Elena N. Parshina Chapter 5. BRICS’ promise to decolonize international development: a perspective – Siphamandla Zondi Chapter 6. definition, measurement, evaluation and institutional design of international development cooperation: the casa of Brazil – Carlos R.S. Milani Technical session 4. Chapter 7. Innovation, indicators and developmental challenges for the BRICS – Rasigan Maharajh Chapter 8. the cooperation in innovation among BRICS countries – Haung Wei Techical session 5. Chapter 9. Challenges of invlusive and sustainable development – Candice Eleanor Moore Technical session 6. Chapter 10. Structural change of social classes and stratums and its implications for China’s future social development – Zhang Yi Chapter 11. Brazil’s new middle classes – Marcelo Neri Technical session 7. Chapter 12. Rapid urbanization in India: the challenge of planning the mega cities – Jagan Shah Chapter 13. charecter of urbanization in Africa: the fate of megacities – Alexey Vasiliev Chapter 14. rapid urbanization: the challenge of megacities, toward the production of locality – Lani Low Chapter 15. inclusion of migrant workers: challenges for China’s large cities – Bing Shen Chapter 16. BRICS, Cities and the issue of social mobility: attraction of capital and the right to the city – Sérgio Veloso Technical session 8. Chapter 17. Structural change, productivity and the middle income trap: south áfrica in comparative perspective – David Fryer, Nicolette Cattaneo Chapter 18. “middle income trap” and lessons from latin America – Zhang Fan Chapter 19. productivity and the middle income trap: a brazilian perspective – Fernando Veloso Technical session 9. Chapter 20. BRICS and multilateralism within the contexto f global governance – Narnia Bohler-Muller Chapter 21. BRICS and the global governance – Renato G. Flôres Júnior Technical session 10. Chapter 22. Strengthening public services, enhancing social protection: lessons from the Indian experience – Harsh Sethi Chapter 23. a quiet revolution in social policy? A casa study of a community work program (cwp) in rural South África – Edward Webster, Khayaat Fakier, Anthea Metcalfe Chapter 24. Social Technologies and public policies in Brazil – Fábio Veras Soares, Pedro Arruda


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