VIEIRA, Trajano

A Socratic lesson - São Paulo : IEA, set./dez. 2012

Philological translations of Greek poetic works often overlook key aspects of literary expression. This stems from the delusion of literalness: it is believed that rigorous, literal translation is able to capture the essence of the original. This procedure ignores what actually constitutes a poetic work: its rhythm, its form, its figures of speech, its melopoeia. Generally, none of these aspects are reworked in the target language by academic Hellenists, who seem to view translation as a mere framework for their comments. We must consider poetic translation from another angle. Re-imagining the formal elements is a challenge that must be faced out of respect for readers who don’t have access to the original poem. The awareness that is impossible to fully retrieve the formal dimension of the text should not discourage a translator sensitive to poetic expression. In this case, a resolute bias is worth more than the illusion of totality