The project management scorecard : measuring the success of project management solutions / por Jack J. Phillips... [et al.]. -- - USA : Butterworth Heinemann, 2002l. - 353 p.

Part I. Setting the stage. Chapter 1. Project management issues and challenges Chapter 2. The project management process Chapter 3. Project management solutions Chapter 4. The project management scorecard Part II. The seven measures. Chapter 5. How to measure reaction and satisfaction Chapter 6. How to measure skill and knowledge changes Chapter 7. How to measure implementation, application, and progress Chapter 8. How to capture business impact data Chapter 9. How to calculate and interpret ROI Chapter 10. Identifying intangible measure of a project management solution Chapter 11. Monitoring the true costs of the project solution Part III. Key issues with the measures. Chapter 12. How to isolate the effects of project management solutions Chapter 13. How to convert business measure to monetary values Part IV. Challenges. chapter 14. Forecasting ROI: how to build a business case for the project management solution Chapter 15. How to provide project feedback and communicate results to the client Chapter 16. Overcoming resistance and barriers to the project management scorecard


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