GOYA, Daniel

Biodiversity and natural resources for sustainability - Brasília : CGEE, dez. 2012

There is no doubt about the importance of biodiversity and natural resources for Latin American economies. However, at the same time, it is widely known that while these activities might be associated to economic growth, they are also tied to large negative externalities that result in high environmental and social costs for their populations, especially for the communities that live close to the resources. But could it be possible that activities related to natural resources were engines of growth and at the same time promoted social, environmental and economic sustainability? This panel revolved around an IDRC-funded research project that aims to explore transitions from the current –problematic– ways in which natural resouces sectors work, towards more sustainable ones, in terms of social, environmental and economic outcomes. The project also explores how knowledge-intensive activities, that could help develop dynamic comparative advantages, might emerge from natural resources activities. The general idea is that long term and sustainable growth and development can be achieved starting from natural resources. They pose an opportunity that should be taken advantage of, rather than a curse. But the panel extended beyond only this project, and consider the views of several international experts from the public and private sectors, as well as academia, in how to develop sustainable economic activities around natural resources and biodiversity