Political corruption: concepts & contexts / editado por Arnold J. Heidenheimer, Michael Johnston - 3. ed.; 2. reimp. - New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2005. - xvi, 970 p.

Inclui bibliografia

Part I: Terms, Concepts, and Definitions Introduction 1- Corruption Concepts in Historical Perspective - Carl J. Friedrich 2 - Defining Corruption John A. Gardiner 3 - Conceptualizing Political Corruption - Mark Philp 4 - What is the Problem about Corruption? - Colin Leys Part II: Comparing Across Time and Countries Introduction 5 - Corruption as a Historical Phenomenon - Jacob van Klaveren 6- The Sale of Public Offices - Koenraad W. Swart 7- Early Modern Corruption in English and French Fields of Vision - Maryvonne Genaux 8- Handling Historical Comparisons Cross-Nationally - James C. Scott Part III: Perceptions and Distinctions Introduction 9- Perspectives on the Perception of Corruption - Arnold J. Heidenheimer 10- Gradients of Corruption in Perceptions of American Public Life - John G. Peters and Susan Welch 11- Right and Wrong in American Politics: Popular Conceptions of Corruption - Michael Johnston Part IV: Political Development Introduction 12- The Development of Political Corruption in Israel - Simcha B. Werner 13- Corruption, Machine Politics and Political Change - James C. Scott 14- Exchanging Material Benefits for Political Support: A Comparative Analysis - Eva Etzioni-Halevy Part V: Modernization and Corruption Introduction 15- Modernization and Corruption - Samuel P. Huntington 16- Corruption as a Hindrance to Modernization in South Asia - Gunnar Myrdal 17- Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis - Joseph S. Nye Part VI: Corruption and Economic Growth Introduction 18- Economic Development Through Bureaucratic Corruption - Nathaniel H. Leff 19- Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues - Pranab Bardhan 20- The Effects of Corruption on Growth and Public Expenditure - Paolo Mauro 21- When is Corruption Harmful? - Susan Rose-Ackerman Part VII: Endemic Corruption and African Underdevelopment Introduction 22- Corruption in the Neo-Patrimonial States of Sub-Saharan Africa - Jean-Francois Medard 23- Political Corruption in South Africa: From Apartheid to Multiracial State - Tom Lodge 24- The Institutional Framework for Corruption Control in Uganda - Sahr John Kpundeh 25- A Comparative Analysis of African and East Asian Corruption - Alice Sindzingre Part VIII: The Asian Exception? Corruption as a Lesser Handicap Introduction 26- Patron-Client Networks and the Economic Effects of Corruption in Asia - Mushtaq H. Khan 27- The Politics of Privilege: Rents and Corruption in Asia - Paul D. Hutchcroft 28- Responses to Corruption in Asian Societies - Jon S. T. Quah Part IX: Reactions to Corruption in Authoritarian Regimes Introduction 29- Soviet Political Culture and Modes of Covert Influence - Wayne DiFranceisco and Zvi Gitelman 30- Bribery and Other Ways of Coping with Officialdom in Post-Communist Eastern Europe- William L. Miller, Äse B. Gadeland, and Tatyana Koshechkina 31- Corruption and the Future of Economic Reform in China - Yufan Hao and Michael Johnston 32- Corruption Under German National Socialism - Ralph Angermund Part X: Corruption in the Levels of American Government Introduction 33- Variations in Corruption among the American States - Thomas J. Schlesinger and Kenneth J. Meier 34- Corruption Concepts and Federal Campaign Finance Law - Thomas Burke 35- Corruption Control in New York and Its Discontents- Frank Anechiarico and James B. Jacobs 36- American and German Fund Raising Fiascoes and Their Aftermaths- Holger Moroff Part XI: Political Parties and Political Corruption Introduction 37- Corrupt Exchanges and the Implosion of the Italian Party System Donatella della Porta and- Alberto Vannucci 38.- Party Finance and Political Scandal: Comparing Italy, Spain, and France Véronique Pujas and Martin Rhodes 39- Parties, Campaign Finance and Political Corruption: Tracing Long-Term Comparative - Dynamics Arnold J. Heidenheime 40- Party Systems, Competition, and Political Checks Against Corruption - Michael Johnston Part XII: Corruption Inheritance: Entrenched or Transitional Introduction 41- High Level Political Corruption in Latin America: A "Transitional" Phenomenon? - Laurence Whitehead 42- A Theory of Limits on Corruption and Some Applications - M. Shahid Alam 43- Public Trust and Corruption in Japan - Susan J. Pharr Part XIII: Corruption Terms, Measures, and Methodologies Introduction 44- Measuring the New Corruption Rankings: Implications for Analysis and Reform - Michael Johnston 45- Corruption Terms in the World Press: How Languages Differ Holge r Moroffand - Verena Blechinger Part XIV: International Efforts to Control Corruption Introduction 46- Judicial Anti-Corruption Initiatives: Latin Europe in a Global Setting - Erhard Blankenburg 47- Corruption as an International Policy Problem - Kimberly Ann Elliott 48- Controlling Business Payoffs to Foreign Officials: The 1998 OECD Anti-Bribery Convention -Arnold J. Heidenheimer and Holger Moroff

Em inglês


Corrupção Política
Corrupção --Controle
Corrupção --Análise Comparativa
Corrupção Administrativa