Dewey, John

The political writings / John Dewey. -- - Cambridge : Hackett Publishing Company, 1993. - 248 p.

I. Philosophical Method The need for a recovery of philosophy (1917) The problem of Truth (1911) Our guilt in fascim (1940) Anti-naturalism in extremis (1943) II. Pragmatism and democracy Philosofy and civilization (1927) Philosophy and democracy (1919) Science and free culture (1939) III. Art, science, and moral progress The ethics of democracy (1888) Intelligence and morals (1910) Individuality, equality and superiority (1922) Individuality in our day (1929) Art and civilization (1934) IV. Education for social change Ethical principles underlying education (1897) The democratic conception in Education (1916) The need of an industrial education in an industrial democracy (1916) Can education share in social reconstruction? (1934) How murch freedom in new schools ? (1930) V. Pragmatism and the new deal Philosophies of freedom (1928) Renascent liberalism (1935) The pathos of liberalism (1935) Liberty and social control (1935) The need for a new party (1931) The economic basis of the new society (1939) VI. From absolutism to experimentalism: The democratic public and the war question The public and its problems The democratic state (1927) The problem of method (1927) Conscience and compulsion (1917) The future of pacifism (1917) Conscience and intelligence in War (1917) Morals and the conduct of states (1918) Democratic ends need democratics methods for their realization (1939) The basic values and Loyalties of democracy (1941) VII. Reaffirming democratic individualism: The rejection of communism Culture and Human nature (1939) Democracy and human nature (1939) Means and ends: their interdependence, and leon Trotsky's Essay on 'Their morals and ours' (1938) I Believe (1939) Creative democracy- The task before us (1939) John Dewey Responds (1950)


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