JONES, Terry

On innovation : turning ON innovation in your culture, teams and organization / Terry Jones. -- - [S.l.] : Essential Ideas Inc., 2012. -- - 220 p.

Introduction -- How to read this book -- Foreword --
Section 1 - What's the rush? -- Idea 1. What's your organization's attitude toward change? -- Idea 2. Short-circuited or rewired distribution -- Idea 3. Search -- Idea 4. Informatio has escaped! -- Idea 5. The death of distance -- Idea 6. Big data -- Idea 7. Business model evolution -- Idea 8. More forces driving change -- Section 2 - Create a team that facilitates innovation -- Idea 9. Who should lead your innovative effort? -- Idea 10. How should you organize for innovation? -- Idea 11. How do you select members of your innovation team? -- Idea 12. Rock stars hang with rock stars -- Idea 13. Hire people who don't fit in -- Idea 14. Keep teams small -- Idea 15. Can one person make a difference? -- Idea 16. Some people will leave as you change ... and that's ok -- Section 3 - Create a culture that rewards innovation -- Idea 17. Why isn't innovation happening? -- Idea 18. Your wake is larger than you imagine -- Idea 19. "We've always done it this way" -- Idea 20. Innovation is like baseball, not the olympics -- Idea 21. Experiment! -- Idea 22. Measure -- Idea 23. Allow failure - harvest learning -- Idea 24. Make new mistakes -- Idea 25. Kill the project. Not the person -- Idea 26. Leverage your strengths -- Idea 27. Prepare if you cross the valley of death! -- Idea 28. Eyes wide shut -- Idea 29. Should you bet the farm on your intuition? -- Idea 30. Naysayers suck -- Idea 31. Quality vs. speed -- Idea 32. When you're in a maze, you may need a chainsaw -- Idea 33. Are you running around with your hair on fire? -- Idea 34. A twenty-year overnight success -- Idea 35. The beach ball effect -- Idea 36. It's all about follow-through. -- Section 4 - Generate more ideas, better ideas -- Idea 37. The golden rule of innovation -- Idea 38. Would your company approve the idea that formed it? -- Idea 39. Connect ideas -- Idea 40. Where does innovation start in a company -- Idea 41. Break through the Bozone layer -- Idea 42. What happened to the lab? -- Idea 43. Do more with less -- Idea 44. Install sensors -- Idea 45. Turn customer's into sentries -- Idea 46. Clay in the customer's hands -- Idea 47. Reframe the problem -- Idea 48. Walk in their shoes -- Idea 49. Look beyond what is immediately apparent -- Idea 50. Leverage social media -- Idea 51. Innovation of crowds -- Idea 52. Innovation of your own crowd -- Idea 53. There is more than one right answer -- Idea 54. Trading places -- Idea 55. Can you say ... incentives? -- Section 5 - Select the best ideas -- Idea 56. How do you pick the best ideas? Idea 57. Reduce risk with prototypes --
Section 6 - Increasing Innovation in a large corporation -- Idea 58. Your discovery muscle -- Idea 59. L= location -- Idea 60. O= Organizational structure -- Idea 61. F= Funding -- Idea 62. T= Team -- Idea 63. Managing the angry crowd -- Idea 64. Turn the organization on its side -- Idea 65. Ride the bow wave -- Section 7 - When all is said and done, make sure more is done than said -- Idea 66. Minimize fear -- Idea 67. Innovation isn't rocket science -- Idea 68. Sometimes you are just too early -- Idea 69. You can't plan everything -- Idea 70. Victory of the lilliputians -- Idea 71. Be a dreamer and a doer -- Idea 72. The Frisbee® effect.


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