Halpern, David

Inside the nudge unit: How small changes can make a big diference. Owain Service; Behavioural Insights Team. - London: WH Allen, 2015. - XIV, 383 p.

Inclui índice

SECTION 1 - A short history of nudging; 01 - Early Steps; 02 - Nudging goes mainstream; SECTION 2 - Changing the Word a nudge at a time; 03 - Easy; 04 - Attract!; 05 - Social; 06 - Timely ; SECTION 3 - Behavioural insights as a policy tool ; 07 - Data and transparency; 08 - A different approach to big policy chalenges; 09 - Well-being: Nudging ourserces, and each other, to happier lives; 10 - What works? The Rise of experimental government; SECTION 4 -Where next?; 11 - Risks and Limiations; 12 - Conclusion: Where next?.