Excessive speculation in agriculture commodities: Selections from 2008–2011 / Recurso Eletrônico Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy - IATP / - Minneapolis: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy - IATP, 2011 - 113p.

Originalmente publicado em abril de 2011, republicado em fevereiro de 2012.

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Foreword I. Overview The Accidental Hunt Brothers - How institutional investors are driving up food and energy price: executive summary / Michael W. Masters / Adam K. White / CFA What explains the growth in commodity derivatives? / Parantap Basu / William t. Gavin / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review Managing the financialization of commodity futures trading / UNCTAD Task Force on Systemic Issues / Economic Cooperation Commodity market regulatory pathways not yet chosen / Steve Suppan / Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy II. Excessive speculation and the agricultural price crisis Index funds and the 2006–2008 run-up in agricultural commodity prices / Daryll E. Ray / Harwood D. Schaffer / Agricultural Policy Analysis Center Review of irwin and sanders 2010 OECD report / David Frenk and Staff / Better Markets Inc. Commodity speculation and the food crisis / Jayati ghosh / World Development Movement Food Commodities Speculationand Food Price Crises / Olivier De Schutter / U. N. Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Extraordinary joint intersessional meeting of the intergovernmental group (IGG) on grains and the intergovernmental group on rice / Food and Agriculture (FAO) Committee on Commodity Problems Financing food - financialisation and financial actors in agriculture commodIty markets / Myriam Vander Stichele et al. / Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations Commodity market deregulation and food prices / Steve Suppan / Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Executive Summary: Excessive Speculation in the Wheat Market III.Regulating excessive speculation Letter to majority leader reid and minority leader McConnell / Commodity Markets Oversight Coaltion (CMOC) Testimony of Michael W. Masters - before the U.S. senate commIttee on homeland securIty and governmental affairs / Michael W. Masters / Masters Capital Management / LLC Statement to the UN round table on financial regulation / Steve Suppan / Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Comment on “review of the markets in financial instruments directive” / Steve Suppan / Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Comment on CFTC proposed rule for agricultural swaps / Steve Suppan / Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Testimony of Michael Greenberger before the CFTC / Michael Greenberger, on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform Regulation of commodity derivatives markets / French Ministries of Finance, Energy and Environment, and Agriculture
