Changing bureaucracies : adapting to uncertainty, and how evaluation can help / editado por Burt Perrin e Tony Tyrrell. -- - Nova York, EUA : Routledge, 2021. - 228 p. - Comparative Policy Evaluation .

Foreword by Kathryn E. Newcomer Preface 1. Introduction: Changing Bureaucracies - Thoughts on the Dynamic Relationship between Evaluation, Bureaucracy, and Adaptability - Tony Tyrrell PART I - Working within Bureaucratic Constraints 2. Feedback in Public Agencies: A Missing Engine of Organizational Learning? - Karol Olejniczak and Jakub Rok 3. Evaluation, Bureaucracy, and Agility: An African Story - Jacques Toulemonde and Samer Hachem 4. Accountable for Adaption: How Idependent Evaluation Can Support Adaptive Programming within Bureaucracies - Andrew Koleros 5. The Public Support of Radical Innovation - Margaret Dalziel PART II - Evaluation Support to Bureaucracies 6. Evaluation in Bureaucracies: An Insider's View on Progress in the Last 25 Years and Challenges Ahead - Veronica Gaffey 7. You Can Take a Horse to Water, But How do You Get it to Drink? Evaluation as a Facilitator of Organizational Adaptation and Change in the OECD - Kevin Williams 8. The View from the Top: Reflections on Evaluation in Large Bureaucracies by a Select Group of Senior Evaluation Managers - Richard Boyle and Tony Tyrrell PART III - Challenges to a Meaningful Role for Evaluation 9. Evaluation Systems and Bureaucratic Capture: Locked in the System and Potential Avenues for Change - Estelle Raimondo and Frans L. Leeuw 10. Responses to Decline: The Persistence of Quality Problems - Kim Forss and Alison Pollard 11. The European Cohesion Policy: Who Cares About Results? - Francesco Mazzeo Rinaldi 12. Conclusion: The Problematique of Bureaucracy and What This Means for Evaluation - and for Public Sector Leaders - Burt Perrin Index


Burocracias do Setor Público
Estruturas Burocráticas