Liedtka, Jeanne

The designing for growth field book: a step-by-step project guide / Jeanne Liedtka, Tim Ogilvie, Rachel Brozenske - New York: Colimbia University Press, 2014. - vii, 133 p.

The Steps Steps 1: Identify an opportunity Steps 2: Scope your project Steps 3: Draft your design brief Steps 4: Make your plans Steps 5: Do you research Steps 6: Identify insights Steps 7: Establish design criteria Steps 8: Brainstorm ideas Steps 9: Develop concepts Steps 10: Create some napkin pitches Steps 11: Surface key assumptions Steps 12: Make prototypes Steps 13: Get feedback from stakeholders Steps 14: Run your learning launches Steps 15: Design the On-Ramp The Tools Secondary Research Direct observation Ethnographic interviews Job to be done Value chain analysis Journey mapping Personas 360 Empathy Creating posters Brainstorming Anchors Bring-Build-Buy map Forced connections Combinatorial play Visualization basics Storytelling Storyboarding Co-Creation tools


Administração de Empresas--Criatividade
Mudança Organizacional
Design Thinking