Harnessing complexity : organizational implications of a scientific frontier - New York : Free Press, 1999 - 184 p.

Introduction Introduction to the framework The difficulty of prediction Complexity research The design of organizations and strategies The information revolution Complexity and information Adaptation and information Complexity as a way of thinking Variation The role of variation Altering the frequency of types Copying with error Endogenous copying mechanisms Recombining mechanisms Exploration versus exploitation Example: military personnel sustems Whether to encourage variety Example: linux software development Extinction - the vanishing of types Interaction The importance of interaction Example: social capital How interaction works Proximity and activation Spaces: physical and conceptual Example: combating the AIDS virus,part 1 External methods of changing interaction patterns Barriers to movement in time and physical space Barriers to movement in conceptual spaces Semi-permeable Example: combating the AIDS virus,part 2 Activation in sequence or in parallel Internal methods of changing interaction patterns Following another agent Following a signal Example: tags in the prisoner's dilemma Forming boundaries Separating time scales Redistributing stress Example: modes of failure in information systems Organizing routines Restructuring of physical and conceptual spaces Selection Defining criteria of success Example: prizes competitions Determining the level of selection Selection of agents Selection of strategies Attributing credit for success and failure Example: military simulation Creating new agents or strategies The key role of copying Detailed differences among generic copying processes Exercising visible leadership Conclusion The central elements of the framework How the elements form a coherent framework What a user of the framework What a user of the framework asks What a user of the framework can do What may come of this approach

Ciencia e Tecnologia
Técnicas Administrativas