SMITH, Steven Rathgeb

Nonprofits for hire : in the age of contracting - Cambridge : havard University Press, 1993 - 292 p.

1 - Contracting for services in the welfare state 2 - Nonprofit organizations and community 3 - The political economy of nonprofit revenues 4 - Guardians of community and issues of governance 5 - Service providers for the welfare state 6 - Services and clients under contracting 7 - Dilemmas of management in nonprofit organizations 8 - The new politics of the contracting regime 9 - Privatization in human services: a critique 10 - Government, nonprofit agencies and the welfare state

Estado de Bem Estar Social
Terceiro Setor
Organização de Voluntarios
Serviço Social
Relacão Estado e Sociedade
Contrato Público
Organização Comunitaria