Building robust competencies - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1999 - 213 p.

Part one: clarifying competencies Robust competencies: adapting to change through linked human resource systems Competencies, capabilities, values, priorities, and skills: defining the unique characteristics of your organization and its associates Operationalizing performance skills: using behavioral language to turn vague characteristics into observable actions Achieving structural alignment: supporting organizational identity with human resource systems Part two: linking competencies to human resource systems Behavior-based interviewing Task-based appraisal Goal-based coaching Objective-based training Examples of competency applications Epilogue: answers to common competency questions Resorce A: a structured interview Resource B: a highly structured interview Resource C: a task-based appraisal form

Gestao de Competencias - Organizacoes
Recursos Humanos
Delegacao de Competencia
Distribuicao de Competencia
Caracteristica da Organizacao
Mudanca Administrativa
Comportamento Organizacional
Estratégia Administrativa