HALL, Brandon

Web-based training : cookbook - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997 - 482 p.

Tem descritores Inclui um CD-ROM

Introduction Part 1 - What you need to know about web-based training Chapter 1 - Examples of web-based training Chapter 2 - FAQs: Frequently asked quastions about web-based training Chapter 3 - Internet Technology Basics Chapter 4 - Hardware and software you need Part 2 - Planning, developing, and implementing web-based training Chapter 5 - The development proccess Chapter 6 - Building a business case for web-based training Chapter 7 - Planning for technology and converting your curriculum Chapter 8 - Designing courses for the web Chapter 9 - Online testing Chapter 10 - Program administration Part 3 - Creating web-based training Chapter 11 - Level 1 courses: text and graphics Chapter 12 - Level 2 courses: interactive text and graphics Chapter 13 - Level 3 courses: interactive multimedia Part 4 - Appendixes Appendix A: Sample proposal Appendix B: Criteria for evaluating programs Appendix C: legal issues Appendix D: Online curriculum providers Appendix E: Sample code Appendix F: About the CD-ROM and web site

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