The evolving virtual library II : pratical and philosophical perspectives - Medford : Information Today, 1999 - 198 p.

The virtual library: reflections on an evolutionary process - Laverna M. Sanders Mining information networks: intranets and extranets at work - Judith Field Building a digital library: the stories of the making of america - Maria S. Bonn Managing digital content: the scholarly communications project - Gail McMillan Library-generated databases - Tore Brattli A public library in transition: paradigm shifts toward the new millennium - Don Napoli School libraries meet the tornadoes: the transformational impact of school reform and the web - Joyce Kasman Valenza Extending the library to remote learners: critical issues and current initiatives - Vicky York Understanding networks and telecommunications infrastructure - George Machovec The evolving virtual library: a vision, through a glass, darkly - Marshall Keys

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