MYERS, Isabel Briggs

Introduction to type : a guide to understanding your results on the Myers-Briggs type indicator - 6 ed - Palo Alto : Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc, 1998 - 43 p.

Introduction Using introduction to type What is the MBTI? Development of the MBTI The MBTI today What is psychological type? Components of jung's picture of personality Jung's eight mental functions Why the differences between people? Myers and Brigg's development of jung's theory A dynamic theory of personality What are preferences? The MBTI preferences What is your type? Verifying your type Brief descriptions of the 16 types Full descriptions of the 16 types ISTJ ISFJ ESTP ESFP INTJ INFJ ENTP ENFP ISTP INTP ESTJ ENTJ ISFP INFP ESFJ ENFJ Using differences constructively Constructive use of differences Mutual usefilness of opposite types Using type differences at work Using type preference combinations Type dynamics and development Applying type Type and career choice Type and relationships Type and learning styles Using type in organizations Type and problem solving MBTI - step II - exapanded scoring of the MBTI Things to remember about type What's next? Suggestions for additional reading

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