Public administration and development : improving accountability, responsiveness and legal framework / editado por IIAS and the Unithed Nations. -- - Amsterdam, NL : IOS / IIAS, 1997. - 129 p. - International Institute of Administrative Sciences Monographs ; v. 5 .

Introduction - J. Yongjian Introduction - D. Brown The role of the state and the future of public services faced with the problems of transition and development: proposals for a methodology - G. Marcou The changing policy management environment - institutional implications - J. Corkey The role and scope of public administration in central and eastern european countries (CEEC) and transforamtion of education in the Czech Republic - O. Vidlakova Recent changes in Asian public services in the context of provatization - M. S. Haque Urban transportation as a socio-economic policy: a latin american view - E. Saraiva What form of administration for what state? - F. Delperee Annex I: Resolution adopted by the general assembly(United Nation) Annex II: Highlights of the general assembly resumed session on public administration and development Annes III: The IIAS and the United Nations.Historical background


Administração Pública
Responsabilidade Administrativa
Serviço Público
Políticas Públicas
Tomada de Decisão
Política Educacional