WEAVER, Richard G

Managers as facilitators : a practical guide to getting work done in a changing workplace - San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1997 - 248 p.

Introduction: the important new role for managers Part I - The essential elements of facilitation Chapter 1 - Facilitators focus on task Chapter 2 - Clarifying the charge and charter of the group Chapter 3 - Using yourself as an instrument to help the group Chapter 4 - Benefiting from individual differences Chapter 5 - Understanding group interaction and development Chapter 6 - Dealing with conflict Chapter 7 - The process of effective facilitation Chapter 8 - Active listening: the most important facilitation skill Part II - New insights into facilitation Chapter 9 - Facilitation is boundary management Chapter 10 - Facilitation is charge management Chapter 11 - Quick fix: solutions to common problems

Técnicas Gerenciais
Capacitação Gerencial
Trabalho em Equipe
Resolução de Conflitos