Urban service delivery in developing coutries : Escaping western bureaucratis solutions - 2001

Explores the record of alternative urban service delivery in selected world areas and assesses the prospects for new designs intened to implement specific programs. It is a continuation of a project which in 1999 culminated in a book entiled Bureaucracy and the Altenatives in World Perspective by Keith M. Henderson and O.P. Dwivedi, and seeks to apply the ideas in that volume to urbans areas. the basic concern is how education, healtth, housting, trasportation, utilites, micro-credit, and other goods and services may be provided to urban residents in the `Third world` without exclusively gorvernmental agents and agencies. Shows examples of successful past and existing programs and presents a classification framework. Indicates the requirements for coordination, accoutability, trasparency, `scaling up`, managerial expertise, and `outsider status`

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