A comparative study of the emergence of markentig culture winhin tree formerly nationalised companies - 2001

Examines the background to privatisation in the UK and explores current practice. The transition to change over two decades has brought about more demanding and valueconscious customers along with an informantion technology revolution. Corporate culture is seen as litmus test, shaping changes in performance and unifying the social dimensions of an organisation. Privatisation has seen changes emerge in some companies more dominantly than in others. Uses this background as a building block to articulate detailed empirical research that has been conducted within three formerly nationalised companies: The National Remote Sensing Centre, Royal Ordnance Environmental and The Stationery Office. Concludes that preprivatisation, notions of quality of service, lower prices and working for the good of consumers was not achieved, as profits were not seen as a commercial requirement. Of the companies researched, two seemed to be strongly influenced by culture of their parent company. Two companies that have adapted a marketing culture seem to have fared better than the company with a strong finacial culture. All tree companies experienced difficulty in breaking free from an inbread philosophy of production orientantion

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