Glassroots mobilizations in the southwest for environmental and economic justice - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2002

The purpose of this paper is to characterize activities of an Albuquerque based organization called the SouthWest Organizing Project. Aligning with other people of color, Chicanos in the Southwest connect to a national and international movement for environmental and economic justice to tal]ckle the negative impacts of global restructuring. This paper presents issues and strategies regarding the expansion of Intel Corporation, the poisoning in high tech employment, ant-NAFTA position, inadequate infrastructure, and the placement of a courthouse in a long-standing community. Armed with knowlkedge, oppositional consciouness, principled strategies, and a politicsw of engagement, environmental justice activists are inserting themselkves into questionns of international economic integration, local economic development, neighborhood change including issues of international economic integration, local economic development, neighborjood change including issues of gentrification, infrastructure, tax abatements, natural resource management, zoing, and an array of development issues