Recommandations for research on ethics in public policy from a public adminstration perspective : barking dogs and more - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2001

We make recommendations for ethics research in public policy based on the experience of publicad adminstration. In many ways, literature in public admnistration on ethics relates apropriately to public policy, albeit with the specific gaps and specific peculiarities.The specific gaps apply particularly to aspects of public policy that are not especially emphasized in public administration (e.g., ethics in policy formulation and evaluation). Peculirities include the tendency do avoid empirical and practical hands-on issues in ethics in favor of dealing with then from a theorectical and normative perscpective and to assume a cohesive self-identification of public administrators with public organizations. After appropriate preliminaries, including a bref review of public admnistration literature on ethics, we recommend concrete and reality-oriented ethics research after the manner of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle`s Sherlock Holmes, who took am empirical and practical hands-on approach to investigations