Budgeter`s views of state performance-budgeting systems : distinctions across branches - American Society for Public Administration, 2001

Given that a majority of states have had some sort of performaance-budgeting initiative on the books for seveal years, how has implementation of such reform progressed? To answer this question, we surveyed legislative and executive budgeters from the 50 states, asking them for their impressions of performance-budgeting implementation in their state. Specifically, we asked these budget officers about the reasons for introducing performance budgetng in their state; the types of activities required of their system; responsible oversight bodies; extent of application across state agencies and depaarments ; and perceived levels of effectivness and problems experienced with implmentation of the budget reform. Our findings indicate that implementation of performance-based budgeting systems is proceeding slowly. While there are some benefits to highlight, result show that implementing peformance budgeting is not without problems - perhaps the greatest being difering perceptions of use and sucsses among budget players, particularly across branches of govenment