Agranoff, Robert

American federalism and the search for models of management - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, nov./dec.2001

Changes in the United States federal systems mean that managers must operate by taking into account multiple interacting governments and nongovernemtal organizations; dealing with numerous multiple programs emanating from Washigton and state capitols; and engaging in multiple intergovernmental transactions with an expandig number of intergovernmental instruments. Four models of management within this changing system are identifies. The topdown model emphasizes executive-branch control and is embedded in enforcement and exchange related to the laws, regulations, funding ruels, program standards, and guidelines associated with federal/state grant, procurement, and regulation programs. The donor-recipient model emphasizes mutual dependence or shared program administration, where two-party bargaining or reciprocal interactions among government officials is the norm. The jurisdiction-based model is defined by the initiated actions of local officials and managers who seed out program adjustments and other actors and resources to serve the strategic aims of their governments. The network model highlights the actions and intergovernmental adjustment. Although the first tow models are long-standing and the latter two are emergent, all apear to be alive and well on the intergovernmental scene, posing complex challenges for public managers