CHAN, Daniel W. M

Compressing construction durations : lessons learned from Hong Kong building projects - 2002

This paper explores explanations for possible causative pattern and suggestions for strategies to compress the construction duractions of various types of building projects, on the basis of the lessons learned from recent Hong Kong - based surveys and research findings. A review of the literature from different countries is first provided - on the factors affecting construction durations, reasons for project delays and existing statistical models for duration forecasts. This is followed by the presentation of a regression-based model - developed from Hong Kong public housing construction projet data - for predicting the durations of the primary work packages in the building process and the overall completion period. Finally, the principal survey results of three paralellel investigations which sought out the critical contributors to faster construction in Hong Kong within each of three different building sub-sectors - public housing, public non-residential buildings and private sector buildings - are presented and discussed. Both similarities and differences are noted among the many perceived important contributory factors and factor categories, across the various types of industry practitioners, i.e. clients, consultants and contractors. Based on the factors identified as significant from the above recent research findings, specific technological and managerial strategies for reducing construction periods (increasing construction speed) in particular building sub-sectors are formulated in order to improve the construction time performance of local building projects. The research methodology develped for the reported investigations can well be extended to similar studies in other sub-sectors in Hong Kong, as well as in other countries for international comparisons - so as to expand our existing body of knowledge of the critical success factors in compressing the building construction process

Construction Durations
Project Delays
Prediction Models
Faster Construction
Hong Kong