
A group decision support system for value management studies in the construction industry - 2002

Group Decision Support System (GDSS) is a branch of information technology, which combines communication, computing and decision support technologies to facilitate the formulation and solution of unstructured problems by a group of people [ DeSanctis G. Galluple RB. A foundation for the study of group decision support systems. Management Science 1987;33 (May): 598-600]. It has the potential to promete active participation, encourage interactions, and facilitate decision analysis in value management (VM) studies. Because of this potentiao and the strong demand for improving V M studies in Hong Kong and the rest of the world, this paper presents findings of a research project which demonstrates how GDSS can improve VM studies and the potential benefits of using a GDSS in VM studies. It begins with an introduction to the GDSS technology and its development, followed by a designed for supporting and improving VM studies. The potential benefits of using the system VM studies are also discussed

Value Management
Group Decision Support Systems
Interactive Value Management System