VAN DER, Robert R

Understanding bi-project management : engineering complex industrial construction projects - 2002

Engineering large industrial construction projects is usually a complex task involving several co-operating actors. This paper investigates a specific type of such projects, labelled bi-project management. Bi project management is characterised by two main actors, each of whom manage a part of the project: the owner of the installation (the clinet organisation) responsible for the engineering of the production process part, and an engineering office responsible for the construction related part. This paper describes and analysis what an engineering office can do to improve control of its part of the project, knowing that its part must be completed in advance; in addition, its is dependent on the client's part and must adapt to any changes the client may make. A framework for analysis and control has been developed, which distinguishes four areas. Two areas (key documents and basic interaction structure) are based on normal project control practices. The two remaining areas have been added to deal with the technological uncertainty and planning structure of the client organisation. The framework helps elucidate the specific nature of bi-project management. Effective bi-project management should not only apply normal project management practices, but also anticipate risks and postpone work to the last possible moment. A main topic for future research is to identify the underlying causes for uncertainly in these types of projects

Bi-project Management
Industrial Construction Projects
Project Control