Contingent and non-contingent working in local government : contrasting psychological contracts - 2002

Given that the contigent worker is likely to be a familiar presence in the public service workplace of the future, this paper explores the consequences of contingent work arrangements on the attitues and behaviour of employees using the phychological contract as a framework for analysis. Drawing upon survey evidence from a sample of permanent, fixed term and temporary staff employed in a British local authority, our results suggest that contract status plays an important roole in how individuals view the exchange relationship with their employer and how they respond to the inducements received from that relatinship. Specifically, contingent employees are less committed to the organization and engage in organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) to a lesser degree than their permanent counterparts. However, contrary to our hypothesis, the relationship between the inducements provided by the employer and OCB is stronger for contingent employees. Such finding have implications for the treatment of contingent and non-contingent employees in the public services