The knowledge management spectrum - understanding the KM landscape - 2001

Knowledge management (KM) is the subject of much literature, discussion, planning and some action. Effetively implementing a sound KM strategy and becoming a knowledge-based company is seen as a mandatory condition of success for organizations as they enter the era of the knowledge economy. Yet KB reamains a broadly ill-defined term, with many, often disparate management theories, applications and technologies claiming a place under the KM banner. Read individually, the literature often presents a single view of what is a multifaceted topic. The KM spectrum has been developed to assit organizations in understanding the range of KM options, applications and technologies available to them. It provides a view of the totality and complexity of the various KM theories, tools and techniques presented in the literature. It provides a framework within which management can balance its KM focus and establish and communicate its strategic KM direction. This article introduces the KM spectrum as a sunthesis of current KM theories, applications, tools and techonologies described in the literature

Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Systems