CETINA, Karin Knorr

Transparency regimes and management by content in global organizations. The case of institutional currency trading - 2001

Argues that informational arrangement may make an organization less of a cumbersome machine by organization exteriorizing organizational processes on screen, making them transparent, witnessable and (reflexively )selfchanging. The plataform organization addresses how some organization - global investiment banks engaged in institutional currency trading and big science collaboratins engaged in high energy physics knowledge production - implement a transparency regime of information that extends to local and implict knowledge. In the words, through being exteriorized, knowledge is kept current, alive and distributes in the respective organizations; to a significant degree, it is effectively precluded from becoming implicit and embodied in places and persons. Corresponds toa form of coordination that is content-driven rather thatn social authority based. "Management by contact" is a knowledge-enhancing, specialist activity closer to mediating and coching than to "governing"and deciding

Information Society
Banking Knowledge Management
Organizational Structure