Co-opetition provides the Halifax with tailor-made training - 2002

This review is of "Co-opetition applied to training - a case study," by Mike and Caroline Bagshaw, of Transmation, Eveshan, UK. It was originally published in Industrial and Commercial Training. v.33 n.5, 2001. p.176. The article applies the modern notion of "co-operation" to the provision of training, and explains how this worked in a program devised by three training organizations for Halifax plc. While the article is strong on the mechanics of the arrrangements between the various parties, it is relatiely weak on the content and operainn of the training program devised. The article contains, nevertheless, much interesting information for organizational purchasers of training, or organizations thinking about devising their own "tailor made" training program

Capacitação Profissional
Instituição Financeira
Estabelecimento Bancário
Halifax PLC