Westland project managers sink or swim - 2002

This article is based on information provided by John Matchett Limited, which offers soft-skills training in innovative formats, from a day on a 38ft racing yacht to performing a play to a local community. The information escribes courses designed to enhance communication, project management, team-building and leadership skills. They use positive emotion, practical curiosity and intense focus to make learning go deeper at conscious anmd sub-couscious levels. The "Sink or Swim" course puts people in an unfamiliar and stressfull situation with the right support, so they develop the self-confidence to make courageous decisions and rely on the decisions made by their colleagues. this is not a theoretical couse, but a simulation program which develops self-control, quick thinking and initiative. It develops each person as an individual, and then puts them together as a team. It helps to reveal unknown talents among representatives of any level in the company hierarchy. Further details are available from: JML, Linden House, 55 South Bar, Banbury 0X16 9AB, UK. Tel: 44 1295 256161. E-mail: sales@jmlned.com

Técnicas de Treinamento
Gestão de Projetos