RODRIGO, Tomas Martin

Proyectos para una administración electrónica en España - Caracas : CLAD, Junio 2001

This paper analyses the public sector features as compared to the private sector. Such features are crucial when incorporating technological and organisational concepts within the generic context of the so-called B2B or B2C in the new digital economics. Therefore, strenghts and weaknesses of public administration that must lead to new concepts, such as G2G (Administration to Administration) and G2C (Administration to Citizen), are discussed. The second part provides the guidelines of three projects viewed as crucial by the General Administration of the Spanish State in order to achieve the goal of a true "electronic administration". The first project - the Administrative Intranet - is a secure technological and organisational infrastructure that will provide reliable horizontal services (directory, messages, news forums, opinion forums, personalized serices thr an official card, etc.) and a secure exchange site between boards of the Central Administration and other administrations, such as autonomous, local organisations, or the European Union Itself. All of this is beyond the rationalisation resulting from the scale economies derieved by the use of commom infrastructures. The second project is the Portal of Public Administrations - an access to public information and electronic management of public services that will provide advanced search, accessibility, freindliness, and personalisation, among others functions. To this end, its evolution and crucial factors for success will be discussed. The last project is the Single Window. This concept gathers the structured exchange of information among citizens, businesses, and public administrations, with the latter being viewed as true, unique factors in their relationship with custumers, citizens, and businesses. The project includes novel concepts, such as reliable exchange of records from different public administrations; the concept of "witness," which is the exchange within the adminstrations of informaton requested from citizens or businesses for a specific purpose, when it is in the own public administrations; and the labelling and structuring of administrative procedures