MELE, Valentina

L'ambito di intervento della pubblica amministrazione nell'era digitale : alcune teorie e primi spunti di analisi - Milano : Maggioli Editore, 2001

It is broadly recognized that the social and economic changes introduced by the new information and Communication Techonologies are having major impacts on the activities and on the organization of the public sector. Another point on which experts tend to agree is that the re-organization of administration and rationalization of government are condicio sine qua non for the introduction of any new technology. It is stil debated which role governments should carry on in the digital economy. The most important theories emphasize the importance of the public sector, as a leader of innovations and technological applications. According to this approach the public sector uses the new technologies as a tool to accomplish the reform processes, which are already being shped within the government. After introducing the development of the theories on the role of the government in the digital economy, the conclusion focus on possible paths of public intervention in the digita age organized in different areas and type of actions. Adopting such integrated strategy the government would fulfill the need for organizational modernization, and, at the same time, would enable the citizens, the business community and the so-called third sector to grab the opportunities of the information society