DANESI, Giovanni

Modernizzazione e sviluppo gestionale delle amministrazioni pubbliche a livello internazionale : il caso del Cile - Milano : Maggioli Editore, 2001

The article investigates the modernization process of Chilean Public Administration, started in the early nineties. This case-study is particularly interesting and distinctive, since the reasons explaining the path of reform are very different from the ones usually present in other countries. Modernization process in Chile is no the result of budget savings strategies but is the effect of the historical phase the country is facing, which affects the traditional models and principles of Public Management. During the thirteen years of dictatorship, public sector has been "downsized" severely and the frontiers of State intervention in economy have been "rolled back"; the mission of the Democratic Governements is now to rebuild the State. President Lagos Reform Program, fot he periodd 2000-2006, focuses on five strategic guidelines: introducing planning tools in public management, widening information technology support, increasing public services quality and promoting citizens participation and involvement, making public sector more accountable towards community, favouring institutional ecentralization. Modernization process in Chile reveals to be driven by NPM principles, combined with a strong focus on social oriented policies and Public Governance