Commitement in the workplace Toward a general model - 2001

It is now well recognized that employees can develop multiple work-relevant commitments, and that commitment itself is a multidimentional construct. Unfortunately, there remains considerable disagreement, both within and across work commitment literatures (e.g., organizational, occupational, union), about what commitment is, its dimensionality, how it develops,and how it affects behavior. We argue that commitment should have a "core essence" regardless of the context in which it is studied, and that it should therefore be possible to develop a general model of workplace commitment. We propose such a model based on the propositions that commitment (a) is a force that binds an individual to a course of action of relevance to a target and (b) can be accompanied by different mind-sets that play a role in shaping behavior. We demonstrate how this model helps to explain existing research findings and can serve as a guide for future research and for the management of workplace commitments

Organizational Commitment
Occupational Commitment
Union Commitment
Goal Commitment
Organizational Behavior