Public policy: the essential readings /
Stella Z. Theodoulou, Matthew A. Cahn
- 2.ed.
- Boston: Pearson, 2013.
- xxv, 356 p.
Inclui bibliografia
Part 1 - The nature and study of the what, who, and why of public policy Reading 1. The contemporary language of public policy: Starting to understand - Stella Z. Theodoulou -- Reading 2. Enduring political questions and public policy - James J. Gosling -- Reading 3. Political science and public policy - Paul A. Sabatier -- Reading 4. Bounded rationality and retional choice theory - Bryan D. Jones, Graeme Boushey, Samuel Workman -- Reading 5. Still muddling, not yet through - Charles E. Lindblom -- Reading 6. Group politics and representative democracy - David B. Truman -- Reading 7. Neopluralism, Andrew S. McFarland -- Reading 8. Imperfect competiton - Ralph Miliband -- Reading 9. Issue networks and the executive establishment - Hugh Heclo -- Reading 10. Who benefits, who governs, who wins? - G. William Domhoff Part 2 - Rules, strategies, resources, and culture Reading 11. Rules, strategies, resources, and culture - Matthew A. Cahn -- Reading 12. The federalist papers: 1, 10, 15 - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison -- Reading 13. The anti-federalist papers -- Reading 14. Capitalism and freedom - Milton Friedman -- Reading 15. The logic of collective action - Mancur Olson -- Reading 16. Constructing the political spectacle - Murray Edelman -- Reading 17. A preface to economic democracy - Robert Dahl -- Reading 18. The semisovereign people - E. Schattschneider -- Reading 19. Habits of the heart: Individualism and commitment in American life - Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, Steven M. Tipton Part 3 - Theories on the policy process Reading 20. In search of a framework to understand the policy process - Stella Z. Theodoulou -- Reading 21. Theories of and in the policy process - David L. Weimer -- Reading 22. The stages approach to the policy process - Peter DeLeon -- Reading 23. Typologies of public policy - Peter J. Steinberger -- Reading 24. Agendas and isntability - Frank R. Baumgartner, Bryan D. Jones -- Reading 25. Why some issues rise and others are negated - John Kingdon -- Reading 26. Policy entrepreneurship - Michael Mintrom, Phillipa Norman -- Reading 27. Background on the institutional analysis and development framework - Elinor Ostrom -- Reading 28. The mechanisms of policy diffusion - Charles R. Shipan, Craig Volden -- Reading 29. Advocacy coalition framework, social construction and policy design & emerging trends - Matthew Nowlin Part 4 - Institutional and noninstitutional actors Reading 30. Institutional and noninstitutional actors in the policy process - Matthew A. Cahn -- Reading 31. Congress: Keystone os the washington establishment - Morris Fiorina - -Reading 32. Congress: The electoral connection - David Mayhew -- Reading 33. Presidential power - Richard Neustadt -- Reading 34. The presidential policy stream - Paul Light -- Reading 35. The rise of the bureaucratic state - James Q. Wilson -- Reading 36. Regulation: Politics, bureaucracy, and economics - Kenneth J. Meier -- Reading 37. Appellate courts as policy makers - Lawrence Baum -- Reading 38. The hollow hope: Can Courts bring about social change? - Gerald N. Rosenberg -- Reading 39. Parties, the government, and the policy process - Samuel J. Eldersveld -- Reading 40. The advocacy explosion - Jeffrey M. Berry -- Reading 41. The consultant corps - Larry Sabato -- Reading 42. News that matters - Shanto Iyeangar, Donald Kinder -- Reading 43. Processing Politics: Learning from television in the internet age - Doris Graber Part 5 - Making Public Policy Reading 44. The structure and context of policy making - Stella Z. Theodoulou -- Reading 45. Causal stories as problem definition - Deborah A. Stone -- Reading 46. Issues and agendas - Roger W. Cobb, Charles D. Elder -- Reading 47. New research on agendas in the policy process - Barry Pump -- Reading 48. Policy analysis - A multidisciplinary framework - William N. Dunn -- Reading 49. Synthesizing the implementation literature - Richard E. Matland -- Reading 50. The assessment of executed policy solutions - Stella Z. Theodoulou, C. Kofinis -- Reading 51. Policy change and termination - Stella Z. Theodoulou, C. Kofinis
POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS Processo Político Atuação Institucional