Gilbert, G. Nigel

Agent-based models / por Nigel Gilbert. -- - Los Angeles: Sage, 2008. - 98 p. - (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences ; n. 153) .

inclui índice e bibliografia

1. The idea of agent-based modeling -- 1.1. Agent-based modeling -- 1.2. Some examples -- 1.3. The features of agent-based modeling -- 1.4. Other related modeling approaches 2. Agents,environments, and timescales -- 2.1. Agents -- 2.2. Environments -- 2.3. Randomness -- 2.4. Time 3. Using agents-based models in social science reseach --3.1. An example of developing an angent-based model -- 3.2.Verification: getting rid of the bugs -- 3.3. Validation --3.4. Techniques for validation -- 3.5 . summary 4. Deseging and developing agent-based models -- 4.1. modeling toolkits, libraries , languages -- 4.2.Using NetLogo to buid models -- 4.3. Buiding the collectivities model step by step -- 4.4.Planning an agent-based modeling project -- 4.5. Reporting an agent-based model research -- 4.6 Summy 5.Advances in agent-based modeling -- 5.1. Geographiacal information sysytems -- 5.2.Learning -- 5.3. Simulating language


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